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Do you manufacture or do business in China - we can help!

Good news coming from China is that Wuhan has started to finally come out of lockdown as the rest of China slowly starts to get back to some kind of normality.

However, China has suspended all foreign nationals' visas, effectively forbidding any foreigners from entering the country as part of its ongoing CV-19 response.

What does this mean for UK businesses who manufacture or do business in China?

Many will be concerned about how they will oversee their Chinese operations over the coming months and may be anxious about how this will impact longer-term on their business.

To help alleviate this, Pentadel can provide vital in-country support throughout China over the coming months. We work with a partner in China which, with 12 offices throughout the country and experience spanning more than 1,300 projects over 17 years, can provide on-the-ground expertise and support for all project management, project delivery and independent inspection needs.

To find out more contact: James Kemp at Pentadel, james.kemp@pentadel.com